Our Seminars

We design our training seminars for hands-on learning:
Each seminar is tailored to fit the fields and research topics of the participants. We prepare ourselves ahead of time to focus on your specific research topics.

Our training seminars are designed according to the Lego Principle: Each seminar is comprised of different modules that have proven successful in past workshops. The modules can be combined in different ways based on participants’ prior knowledge, needs, and objectives.

Extensive practice – Personal feedback at the end of each practical lab session is a key component of our seminars. All participants receive detailed comments on the content of their presentation, speaking style, and body language.

To enable efficient training in small groups, we work with a maximum of six participants per instructor. If a group is larger than six, two or more instructors teach the seminar together.
We arrange the locations and dates of our seminars around our participants’ preferences. Please contact us directly.



Basic media training seminars follow a proven and largely predefined structure.

They prepare experts to meet the specific demands of print and online media, radio, and television. Workshops cover news factors (“What are reporters interested in?”), communicating to be understood, the media landscape, and media law. The focus of our basic media training is on written exercises, interviews, and statements in front of a microphone and camera.

Duration: 1.5 - 2 days