For me, the crucial point was to explain complicated scientific hypotheses and results in way that was easy to comprehend for my audience. You have to change your perspective and figure out which information the lay audience really needs – and which points trigger attention. The strategies on talking about animal experiments also took away my shyness to directly address the topic. After all, research can be interesting to everyone. As a scientist one shouldn't have to withhold exciting results from anyone.
Leonora Kulikovskaja, University of Magdeburg
Thanks for the amazing module, I really enjoyed it – now I have much more insights into how to deal and relate to the media in risk communication situations.
Vincenzo Pennone, Biologist, University of León, Spain
It has been a totally different experience that has taught us not only about the media, but also about ourselves – and about how we behave when we have to face a stressful situation such as the camera training
Yolanda Garcia Cazorla, Molecular Biologist, Porto University, Portugal
Our young scientists were prepared for interviews and crisis communication in small groups – under competent guidance. Interviews on difficult topics such as animal experiments will no longer be a problem in the future. Media Training for Researchers even fulfilled special requests such as parallel German and English courses. We are look forward to working with Media Training for Researchers again.
Research Training Group SynAGE, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg
The knowledgeable and highly skilled trainers took our participants (managers from research organizations) on a journey exploring the topic of media communication. The highlight of both seminars was the camera training, where participants focused on developing an awareness of how they appear on camera and improving their on-camera presence. The seminars gave participants crucial input and ideas for their everyday activities and for how to effectively communicate their research and scientific projects to the public. We at ZWM are very grateful to the team of Media Training for Researchers for their outstanding collaboration!
Henning Rickelt, Managing Director, Center for Science and Research Management (ZWM), Speyer